Mintaka mining software

Explore our underground mining design software tailored for surveyors, engineers, and geologists. Built on AutoCAD, our solution provides a user-friendly interface for precise and efficient modeling of mining sites. Furthermore, our software continuously evolves to meet the changing needs of the mining industry, ensuring our clients always benefit from the latest innovations and features. Simplify your underground mining operations with our straightforward, easy-to-use, and cutting-edge software solution.


The Dilution Module is a powerful tool designed to assess and generate reports on dilution in underground mining operations. By using input data such as block model, stope, and drift information, this module calculates the dilution incurred during mining activities and produces detailed reports to provide in-depth analysis of the dilution.

Mesh To Solid

The Mesh to Solid module is a versatile tool designed to convert mesh into AutoCad solid objects. It automatically closes gaps to create a watertight mesh, which is then transformed into a solid. It is capable of converting various shapes such as drifts, geological models, and stopes. With solid volumes, boolean operations can be performed, enhancing modeling capabilities for underground mining operations.

Section managemer

The Section Management module allows users to obtain sectional views within the space. These sections can be in any direction and of any thickness.


This Underground Mining Planning Module is an essential management tool designed to streamline and optimize the planning process in the mining industry. It offers seamless integration between AutoCAD and Excel, allowing mining engineers to effectively manage Gantt charts for their existing projects.